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June 15, 2006



What was the point of saying:

"we may never know, what really happened in that plain, white, one story, student athletes’ house"

Was that an oblique reference to the fact that the accuser is black but the players are white?

Why should defense commentators refrain from taking sides? If the presumption of innocence is as important as you say it is, isn't it helpful to have them combatting the presumption of guilt in the media?

It's not a question of "faux evidence." The principle is that trials occur in courtrooms, not in living rooms or television or on the internet.

The presumption of innocence requires everyone, wherever they are, to presume the accused innocent. Unless and until a jury which has heard all of the evidence in a courtroom, not in the media, determines them to be guilty or innocent, it is the duty of television commentators to present the case through the lens of the Constitution, which presumes innocence.

Criticize Nancy Grace and her ilk all you want, but I fail to see grounds for criticizing those who inform viewers of facts supporting innocence, which is the bedrock of our constitutional system.


. We should wait for the verdict, and accept it, whether we like it or not. That makes for boring television, but responsible citizenship.

What if the verdict is unjust? Should we accept it then? Or is the purpose of your post to claim that no one can know what really happened: Thus, whatever the jury decides is "truth"?

J Charest

Those are all nicely chosen words about our legal system and how it is supposed to work. In this case, an over zealous DA actively chose to discard that legal system. There was no probable cause hearing because he knew it would have been dismissed. Nifong has made a travesty of the justice system, ruined three young men's lives and tarnished a prestigious university. There is far more probable cause to indict Nifong for wrong doing than there is for the three students.

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